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Band News
8/26 Ending summer on a good note with a practice (minus kyle not being there). We got to throw alot of ideas around and bring new ones foward. We also found out about a new band called Rumpus. They are pretty good but kinda wierd and have wierd accents.

7/17 We wont be able to practice for 2-3 weeks due to members going away. In better news we will hit the studio (Kyles Garage) and record a new full length.

7/11 We had another practice today, this time at Duddey's house. We played some old songs to refresh our memory, including 1957 which we haven't played since we recorded in March. We also played a new original and a new cover. We may record at Kyle's house sometime soon, and we want to get playing to playing shows.

7/2 We had another practice today at Chet's house. We practiced some of our older songs and came up with a new song. We want to record again at Kyle's house and come out with a full length album. We also want to keep playing some more shows. We sent in for a show at the Sad Cafe for this summer, but they haven't contacted us yet.

6/11 Its been awhile since we've been to the site but now everything should be fully updated. We have been practicing a lot lately, and have three new songs that we can play perfectly. We also have three other new songs which we are currently still working on. Also, we have two shows coming up. One at our friend Jon Estes house and another at the Sad Cafe. Check under the shows page for more info. Until next time.

5/5 Its been a while since the site has been updated. The band has had a practice or two lately. We have alot of new songs that need work.

4/11 Yet another name change on hand from Take Me Down to The Flow. Hopefully this will be the last name change.

3/22 The band recorded 6 songs today which came out excellent. The CD's are just for friends and are not for sale.

3/19 New site is here, hope to keep this for a while!

3/17 New name change! The band has decided to change names from A Day's Refrain to Tin Roof Effect. Look for us at future shows!!

3/8 We had another practice today that was very productive. We nailed all of our old songs, and played some new ones, too. Overall, it was very good, even if we did break Dusty's stone wall. . .

3/2 Our first performance went very well. The time in between songs was a little stretched out but overall was very good. Be expecting more shows and new songs sometime in the near future.

2/28 Great news!! We are back in for the show on March 1st at the Sad Cafe thanks to our friends in the band Stoma. They asked us to split a set with them. Also on a note of good news Kyle got his new Fender amp so we will be sounding even better.

2/25 What a disapointment, our show we were supposed to play we can't now because the band that dropped out was replaced with another band....shucks.

2/23 Another good practice. Today went pretty well, except for the fact that everyone was practically falling asleep while playing our instruments. It was a very laid back practice, but nonetheless still sounded good. There's probably about a 60-75% chance of us playing at the Sad Cafe. Hope to see you there, even if we don't play, sounds like a good show.

2/21 Sweetness!! Today we had the best practice we've ever had at Chet's house. We nailed all our songs, especially our cover of Taking Back Sunday's "Cute Without the E (Cut From the Team)." Everything is starting to sound great and we'll hopefully be rocking out at some shows in the near future. We may be playing with A Typeset Preserve at the Sad Cafe on March 1st, but only if Stalking Laura drops out. Now if only Kyle's new Fender amp would come. . .

2/17 Yikes!! It's been a while since we practiced. After a short-lived stint with Kieth Galvin, (Find his band, A Typeset Preserve, under Links) we have decided to add Kyle Cartland to the band. This is about the fifth person to be added to the unbreakable Duddey, Chet, and Dave trio. However after playing with practically everyone in the Windham vacinity, we have decided we like Kyle best. Can't wait until we can practice again. We've had a lot of fun so far, and its beginning to sound pretty damn good. Until we meet again. . .

2/15 The first practice of (hopefully) our complete band went incredibly well. We have three originals so far and have tried covering some Jimmy Eat World (Bleed American and A Praise Chorus). During one of our songs, we cut to an incredible Typeset Preserve song, Layouts and Designs, for a few measures. It was wicked fun and sounded great in the song. Hopefully the rest of the guys from Typeset won't be too mad.

12/27 Hooray for our new site! Our new band, A Day's Refrain, seems the best we've ever had. We're practicing alot and have tons of new songs. Until next time, this is A Day's Refrain, saying goodbye.

Song News
8/26 Dave made a new song which is probly our best song yet. Another song came up but is in the works of being finished

7/17 We created two new songs today. Dave made a song in drop D thats sounds really good and we switched instruments again and came out with another song.

7/11 We covered "Concealer" by Thursday today. It came out very well. It is incredibly fun to play and sounds really good. It only took us about three tries before wer nailed with the lyrics. We really enjoy playiong it and will definitely jam it out at some future shows. We also made up a new song with a very upbeat tempo. On it, everyone plays a different instument than they usually do. Chet and Duddey play guitar, Kyle plays drums, and Dave plays bass on it. It is very good and is a change from playing the same instuments.

7/2 Today we came up with a new song. It is very heavy, and is almost reminescent of Thursday. It is definitely our hardest song, and is one of our best. It is very fun to play, so listen for it at upcoming shows. No names for it yet, though.

6/11 Three brand new songs so far. We have more coming, however. We'd like to think of them as the best we have as of now. As for the site,

4/19 Today we practiced on Chet's back porch without Kyle. We hope to play there for a sweet show in the future. Two new songs were made, some of the best stuff we've got so far. Duddey's double bass is sounding great, by the way. . .

4/11 Two new songs today both which are untitled at the moment. Both songs sound great and are a bit of a change compared to our other songs.

3/17 We made two new songs today. One has a 50's swing feel to it, entitled "1957" and another one that Dave and Chet put together which is currently unnamed.

3/8 We worked on two new songs today, the first one is an awesome song with a slower beat, and a great jam song, and the second one, just a good upbeat rock song. No names for them yet, though.

3/7 Today Kyle came up with a new very fast, high-energy song called "Count Dracula." It is very good and we can't wait to play it at some upcoming shows.

2/23 Today Chet started off a new, awesome song with a sweet bass line which the guitars follow. We are very excited about this song, because it is short, sweet and simple, but still sounds great. We hope to be playing it at the Sad, on March 1st.

2/21 Today Dave introduced a new song, which is unnamed at the moment, but it is very "rockin" and sounds very good. Now all we need are some sweet lyrics for it.

2/18 Thanks to a snow day the band had a very good practice. The band has decided to cover "Cute without the "E" (Cut from the team)" by Taking Back Sunday.

2/17 As far as covers go, we know we want to do one, but choosing is so hard. We're thinking of possibly Taking Back Sunday's "Cute Without the E (Cut From the Team)" but we might not. We are also thinking of Weezer's "Tired of Sex" or possibly a Jimmy Eat World song. Stick around for more info, and maybe some shows in the future. Until next time. . . -ADR

2/16 The band has 3 good songs we are working on now. We are writing some lyrics to our originals and possible a cover song once we play a show.